Due to the amount of spam and adult content being posted to the site, I have restricted access. New users will have to be approved. If you would like access to post notices etc. in the saloon, please email me your alias and what you would like your password to be. My email address is [email protected]. If I don’t know you, or can’t confirm with Barbwire or through SASS that you belong here, you won’t be granted access. I apologize for the inconvenience but I hope this will keep our site clean of unwanted content.
Misc Gun Powder:
(1) 9oz. container of TrailBoss $15.00.
(2) 1 lb 800x $15.00.
(3) 4 lb of Unique $20.00 each or buy all four $60.00
(4) Approximately 5oz of Bullseye $5.00
(5) Winchester AA hulls 12Ga (featherlight) once fired 200 for $20.00
If interested contact [email protected]
Thanks for looking;
Jackrabbit Joe
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by jackrabbit.